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Co-Selling TIBCO with AWS

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Co-selling TIBCO with AWS

Create the greatest value for your customer by partnering with AWS 

Your customers don’t have to choose between ‘Build or Buy’ for their integration strategy. The two approaches can coexist and deliver outstanding value.  Just as the Springboot application development framework will likely not provide all that your customer needs for ‘do-it-yourself’ integration, neither will AWS provide all that they need.  Instead, customers like PostNL and Sara complement AWS development with the power of TIBCO market-leading integration capabilities.

Additionally, TIBCO is an omni-cloud vendor. This means that if your customer chooses an AWS service, like Messaging or API Gateway, you can still position the value of other TIBCO capabilities which will work seamlessly with the selected AWS service.


AWS does not compete with TIBCO in the enterprise iPaaS market

AWS has not been a representative vendor in any major industry analyst market evaluations that cover the Enterprise Integration Platform as a Service (eiPaaS), Hybrid Integration Platforms and API Management Platform markets.

Regardless, customers do perceive that AWS is in the Integration market. The confusion comes from the build vs. buy decision.  AWS goes to market with the message “Build on AWS” which causes businesses to evaluate developing their architectures with AWS "do-it-yourself" capabilities.

If a customer has a project with simple needs, building integrations from scratch may look attractive. However, as project needs get more complex, or the scope of deployment expands, custom development costs and risk increase significantly.  Additionally, the customer is responsible for development solutions to enable security, compliance, monitoring, and governance.  

Many businesses don’t want to take on this complexity themselves.  This is why industry analysts have estimated that the eiPaaS market will grow at the most rapid pace of all enterprise application integration and middleware software markets over the next several years. 

More and more, customers recognize that building all integrations from scratch is not a scalable or cost efficient solution.


AWS does not offer competitive API Management offerings

Customers might also perceive AWS as solution when they need complementary capabilities to support API-led integration strategies. However, AWS does not offer full-lifecycle API management capabilities.

AWS offers an API Gateway, that includes a subset of full lifecycle API management capabilities.  By itself, this may not be suitable for customers with more robust API management needs, such as an API Portal, API product packaging, API analytics, or hybrid or multi-cloud deployments.  Additionally, AWS does not provide API management support for APIs outside of its own platform. 

This creates an excellent opportunity for you to sell the full life-cycle API management capabilities of TIBCO Cloud™ API Management. It includes API governance, a developer portal, API analytics, and support for hybrid deployments. If your customer needs robust API management capabilities, TIBCO offers a great solution for AWS customers.


AWS does not offer competitive Messaging offerings

AWS also offers three native messaging options: 

  • Amazon SQS and SNS for lightweight messaging in high latency environments
  • Amazon MQ (based on Apache Active MQ) for traditional messaging using the AMQP protocols.
  • Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK), a fully managed Kafka service

With AWS, customers can address messaging use cases where all messaging endpoints are hosted on AWS.  This of course limits messaging for endpoints deployed in hybrid or multi-cloud deployments.

TIBCO offers a highly comprehensive messaging portfolio in a single, seamlessly integrated solution that is deployable in a customer-managed AWS EC2 or EKS as a SaaS environment through a TIBCO Cloud Messaging subscription. It addresses six messaging use cases including:

  • fully distributed, high-performance, peer-to-peer messaging; certified JMS messaging
  • open source messaging with Apache Kafka®, Apache Pulsar® and MQTT
  • web, mobile and IoT messaging.

For solutions that require a wide variety of messaging needs, TIBCO Messaging offers greater flexibility and choice than AWS. Additionally, all technologies are fully integrated with TIBCO Cloud Integration for a complete solution for use cases deployed in a single region or spread across the globe and different cloud vendors and on-premise installations.


Customers are demanding faster time-to-value

Your customers primary challenge is to combat the rapid increase in cycle times their business is experiencing, created by continuous global volatility, workforce churn, operational threats, and competitive disruptions. Their investment in an integration solution will have a direct impact on their business because it will automate the operations of their business, and create the digital value they offer within employee, customer, and partner experiences.  They will understandably demand a high rate of return on their investment.

TIBCO has clearly demonstrated how we accelerate time-to-value for customers, for example:

  • The PushToTest Integration Knowledge Kit is an independent evaluation of initial development and ongoing maintenance costs achieved with integration capabilities from TIBCO and many of our top competitors.  The results clearly illustrate that TIBCO offers the best value for connecting and automating the business. 

Ask your customer if they are able to determine the time to value for ALL of their integration projects using AWS.


Take advantage of AWS Resources

AWS sellers can make money by helping TIBCO jointly sell integration solutions. Your key to success is to show them how, for example:

  1. Highlight the “Pull Through Services”, meaning services we will help drive the customer to consume (e.g. Amazon EC2, Amazon EKS, Amazon ECS, AWS Fargate, etc).  For example, TIBCO’s Digital Transformation (DX) workshop helps our customers accelerate their cloud adoption strategy, such as to AWS.  When customers use these services, the sales team makes money.
  2. A core TIBCO value proposition is how we accelerate time to value. AWS sellers do not typically get paid when customers sign a contract, they get paid when customers consume AWS services. By accelerating cloud projects, AWS sellers make money faster. 
  3. Let them know that TIBCO is in the following AWS programs (which can be combined) that enable them to make money with us:
  • SaaS Revenue Recognition: This lets AWS sellers retire quota if they use our SaaS offerings (i.e. TIBCO Cloud Integration)
  • WS Marketplace Private Offers 
  • ISV Accelerate where AWS sellers get cash payment for co-sell opportunities. 

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