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San Diego - TIBCO FY24 Sales Kick-off

Jason Poole

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Agenda - San Diego

TIBCO Americas Sales Kickoff Travel and Expense Policy

Please read the following information carefully, as it contains important information about your flight booking, ground transportation, and expense guidelines.  If you have questions, please refer to the event FAQs


Air Travel

This year, all attendees will book their own flights using the Concur online booking tool and submit the cost of the flights for expense reimbursement as you would any other customer visit or corporate travel.  Please adhere to the following guidelines when booking your travel:

When to Book Your Flights

Please complete your registration for the event before booking your air travel and make your flight reservations as soon as possible after registering, but not later than November 17, 2023.

Arrival and Departure Dates

Arrivals: The approved arrival date is Wednesday, December 13, 2023.  Unless you have been notified otherwise, all flights should be booked to arrive in San Diego (airport code: SAN) no later than 2:00 p.m. PST on that date. Most attendees will be required to attend regional meetings starting at 3:00 p.m. PST.

Departures: The approved departure date is Friday, December 15, 2023.  All attendees should book flights on that date departing from 2:00 p.m. PST onward. 

Early Arrivals/Late Departures: Arrivals before December 13 and departures after December 15 (for any reason) require pre-approval.  Should you need to request a deviation from the approved dates, please send an email with your request to the SKO registration team at info@tibcosko.com.  Once approval is received, you may proceed with your flight booking.

Class of Service and Fare

All flights should be booked in economy class. 

To help manage costs, attendees are requested to give preference to lower-cost flights that meet the arrival/departure criteria above.  In some cases, this may be a connection flight and/or may not be on your preferred airline.  We thank you in advance for your assistance with managing our budget by choosing the lowest-cost, reasonable flight option.____


Ground Transportation

Ground transportation should be via taxi, Uber, or Lyft.  Rental cars and private sedan service are not reimbursable for this event.


Hotel Reservations

The venue for the TIBCO Americas Sales Kickoff FY24 is:

Westin San Diego Gaslamp Quarter

910 Broadway Circle

San Diego, CA  92101

Your hotel reservation will be made for you, using the information submitted on your registration form.  The room rate and taxes for the official program nights will be billed to our master account.  You will be required to submit a credit card at check-in to cover any incidental charges you may incur during your stay.  You should not book a hotel reservation through Concur or any other means as charges for hotel rooms booked outside of the registration process will not be reimbursed.

SKO Expense Policy

Expense Submission: Expenses related to SKO should be submitted in the same manner as your normal business expenses.  There is no separate charge code for SKO.

Expense Policy Exceptions: Any exceptions to the expense policy below will require approval from the ELT leader over your department.

Accommodations: No expenses will be reimbursed for accommodations during SKO since the hotel room rate and taxes for the approved program dates will be billed to our master account. All hotel reservations will be made for you once you complete registration, you should not book your own hotel via Concur or any other method. Charges related to room upgrades and any additional nights not approved by your ELT member will also not be reimbursed.

Meals: Meals, beverages, and snacks beginning with dinner on Wednesday, December 13 through lunch on Friday, December 15, are being provided while you are in San Diego and all attendees are expected to dine with the group.  Should you choose to dine elsewhere when a group meal is available, it will be considered a personal expense and not eligible for expense reimbursement.

On travel days and/or during times when group meals are not available, all attendees are subject to the Cloud Software Group Travel & Expense Policy.

Important: Itemized receipts for all expense claims are required (the credit card slip alone is not sufficient).  When submitting receipts for meal expenditures, if more than one employee dined together you must include the names of all of the employees on the expense report.  Failure to list the names of all diners will result in the rejection of your expense report.

All expenses incurred (including meals) on days when an attendee is pre-and/or post-extending their trip for personal reasons are not eligible for expense reimbursement.

Alcohol: Individual and group bar charges are not reimbursable expenses (alcoholic beverages consumed with meals are reimbursable, provided that they are within the Daily Meal Allowance Limit).

Ground Transportation: Taxi service or Uber/Lyft should be utilized.  Rental cars and private sedan service should not be used as they are not reimbursable for this event.

Other Expenses: For items not specifically covered by this SKO Expense Policy, the overall Cloud Software Group Travel Global Travel & Expense Policy guidelines apply.

TIBCO Americas Sales Kick-OFF Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I need to make a change to my registration?

A. Please send your request to the SKO Registration Team via email at info@tibcosko.com

Q. When will I receive my final confirmation?

A. Final confirmations will be sent out via email approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the event.

Q. I did not receive confirmation of my registration and/or hotel booking.  Who should I contact?

A. If you did not receive confirmation of your registration, please first ensure that you have completed the entire registration form and clicked the “Submit” button at the end.  If you have done this, please contact the SKO Registration Team via email at info@tibcosko.com.  Hotel confirmations will be included in your final confirmation which will be sent via email approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the event.

Q. When should I arrive and depart?

A. The approved arrival and departure dates are December 13 and December 15 respectively.  Unless notified otherwise, all attendees must arrive in San Diego (airport code: SAN) by 2:00 p.m. PST on Dec. 13 and depart from 2:00 p.m. PST onward on Dec. 15.  Most attendees will be required to attend pre-meetings on. Dec. 13 starting at 3:00 p.m. PST.  Deviations from those dates (for any reason) require pre-approval.  To request approval, please send an email to info@tibcosko.com.

Q. How will my flights be booked?

A. This year, all attendees will book their own flights using the Concur online booking tool and submit the cost of the flights for expense reimbursement as you would any other customer visit or corporate travel.  Please refer to the SKO Travel and Expense Policy for additional details, including the required flight booking parameters.

Q. How do I book my flights in Concur?  I have never used the system before.

A. Please visit the Travel page on Cloud Central for detailed instructions (including “how to” videos) on setting up your travel profile in Concur and booking your flights.

Q. I do not have a corporate American Express card.  How should I pay for my flights?

A. If you do not have a corporate American Express card, you may use your personal credit card to book your flights and submit the expense for reimbursement.  If you do not have a personal credit card, you may apply for a corporate American Express card here.  For assistance with American Express applications, please contact the CSG Amex card manager, Mike Tobias, at michael.tobias@cloud.com.

Q. I need to make a change to my flights, how do I do that?

A. Please contact BCD travel at +1 844-416-2229 to make any necessary changes.  IMPORTANT:  If your flight change impacts your hotel arrival and/or departure date, it is important that you advise the SKO Registration Team so that your hotel reservation can be adjusted.  You may reach them at info@tibcosko.com.  As a reminder, deviations from the approved arrival and departure dates (Dec. 13 and Dec. 15, respectively) require pre-approval so please request approval via the SKO Registration Team prior to making any flight changes.

Q. I did not receive a copy of my flight itinerary.  What should I do?

A. First, check your spam folder.  If it is not there, you may reach out to BCD Travel via email at tibco@bcdtravel.com to request a copy of your itinerary.

Q.  How will my hotel room be booked?  Can I make my own hotel reservation?

A. Your hotel reservation will be made for you, using the information submitted on your registration form.  The room rate and taxes for the official program nights will be billed to our master account.  You will be required to submit a credit card at check-in to cover any incidental charges you may incur during your stay.  You should not book a hotel reservation through Concur or any other means as charges for hotel rooms booked outside of the registration process will not be reimbursed.

Q. Can I extend my stay?

A. Extensions for any reason require pre-approval and are subject to hotel availability.  You may request an extension via the registration process or by sending an email to the SKO Registration Team at info@tibcosko.com.  Personal extensions are not eligible for expense reimbursement.

Q. I live locally.  Do I have to stay at the hotel where the event is taking place?

A. That is up to you.  During the registration process, you may decline hotel accommodations if you prefer to commute.

Q. What is the hotel deposit and cancellation policy?

A. Hotel reservations must be canceled seven (7) days prior to your scheduled check-in date.  If you need to cancel your hotel reservations, please contact the TIBCO SKO Registration Team at info@tibcosko.com.  No-show and late cancellation charges will be charged back to your CSG cost center.

Q. I need a visa to travel to SKO.  How should I obtain one?

A. CSG partners with CIBT to assist with business visa applications in many countries. You can visit the CIBT website to review the requirements for your travel and, if needed, initiate the visa process.

Q. I need a letter of invitation to process my visa.  How can I obtain one?

A. To request an invitation letter, email askhr@cloud.com. Provide the country you are traveling to and from, the dates, and the fact that you need the letter to attend Sales Kickoff. 

Q. Are spouses and/or family members allowed to accompany employees to the event?

A. Because this is a working event, family members and other guests are not allowed to accompany employees and/or attend the event.

Q. Are invited attendees required to attend SKO?

A. If you have been invited to SKO, you are required to attend all assigned sessions.  If you are unable to attend for any reason, please obtain your manager’s approval and decline the registration invitation.  

Q. I did not receive an invitation to attend SKO.  How can I register?

A. To request an invitation to register, please click here and complete a brief request form.  Your request will be reviewed and, if approved, an invitation to register will be sent out via email.

Q. A member of my team did not receive an invitation to register for SKO.  How can I get them invited?

A. To request an invitation for your team member, please click here and complete a brief request form.  Your request will be reviewed and, if approved, an invitation to register will be sent out via email.

Q. I have a new employee starting a few days before (or on) the first day of SKO.  How can I get them registered?

A. To request an invitation for your new hire, please click here and complete a brief request form.  Your request will be reviewed and, if approved, an invitation to register will be sent out via email. 

Q. What should I wear?

A. The Gala Awards Banquet is a formal event.  Dress for all other events is business casual.  It is recommended that you bring a sweater or jacket as the indoor air conditioning can be chilly at times.

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