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TIBCO Enterprise Solution Architecture (ESA)

Apoorva Chitgopker

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TIBCO Enterprise Solution Architecture (ESA)

Enterprise Solution Architecture (ESA)

The purpose of enterprise architecture practice is to create, update and align maps of the modern enterprise and TIBCO’s Portfolio. This map establishes a common framework that is used to drive ongoing discussions about TIBCO’s customers' business strategy and how it can be expressed through TIBCO’s Portfolio.

Enterprise Solution Architecture Main Assets


TIBCO Reference Architecture

The TIBCO Reference Architecture is a standardized representation of TIBCO’s Connected Intelligence platform that provides structures and integrations of TIBCO solutions and services to connect any application or data source; unify data for greater access, trust, and control; and predict outcomes in real time and at scale.


TIBCO Solution Roadmap

The Solution Roadmap offers customers a strategy of gradual evolution, where the current state and the desired state are taken as a reference and the milestones and building blocks required to achieve the objective, stating the value creation on each evolution step.


Business Maturity Assessment Workshop

This workshop is designed for organizations that are looking to understand where they are in regards to their journey of digital transformation and what are the required steps to achieve the goal. This workshop produces three major outcomes: The actual state of the business in regards to Digital Evolution, the suggested blueprint for success, and the evolution roadmap.


TIBCO Accelerators (Coming Soon)

Engineered, open-source solution fast-starts built on TIBCO Connected Intelligence products that target specific vertical use cases.

For example, Real-Time Drilling in Oil and Gas, Connected Vehicles in Transportation and Logistics, IoT High Tech Manufacturing, Real-Time Risk Management.

TIBCO ESA Contacts

  • Bruno Souza
    TIBCO Software Inc.
  • Bruno Souza

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