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TIBCO GTM - Sales Priorities

Susan Collins

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Welcome to the TIBCO GTM - Sales Priorities
Fast-track, amplify customers' journey to value and when planned right - maximize customers' growth potential and stickiness with TIBCO.

Welcome to the TIBCO GTM - Sales Headquarters

2024 TIBCO priorities will focus on introducing the Platform vision and speeding effective sales execution using a primary selling motion at the mid-term or renewal event while mitigating customer risk and fostering customer lifetime value.

The sales journey starts with the preparation outlined in the process overview below. Lead discussions by introducing new possibilities; understand your customer's short and long-term motivations based on past, current, and anticipated future-state needs; leverage a compelling event/renewal to inspire action and partner with customers to realize their fastest path to value.


Top Reasons Why Customers Make the Switch

Customer's experiences in today’s world of prolonged periods of disruption and uncertainty:

Reason #1.  Price protection and OPEX versus CAPEX

Reason #2. Reduce complexity

Reason #3. Scalable deployment

Reason #4. Avoid open-source maintenance

Reason #5. Increase flexibility and governance

Reason #6. Accelerate Innovation

The value of Subscription Conversion with TIBCO

The Seller's Journey: Approaches to Building Trust | Customer Value | Mutually Beneficial Relationships

In a disruptive climate, customers seek technology to create marketplace differentiation and resilient processes to innovate, collaborate and grow. CSG's value proposition is based on listening to customers (not just at the renewal event) and helping them buy into a compelling value proposition where technology can increase customer value and reduce friction.

Questions to ask:

● People -    How do you build a culture that enables and empowers employees to perform at their best to build the best products and services in the marketplace? ● Process -  How do you drive operational efficiencies without hindering productivity?                     How do you continuously develop and improve - while remaining mindful of the customer's ever-evolving needs?                     How do you manage technical debt and stay ahead of the changing technologies?                     Are you able to use similar solutions better than other industries?                     What about the competition within the same industry? ● Market -   How will your business model look in 12 months? What about in 5 or 10 years?                     Will you be a market leader or a niche participant?                     Will your customer still care about the same things from last year, last month, or even yesterday?


Process Overview

Plan, build, and present a compelling value proposition to consolidate and convert customers with the conversion from Perpetual to Subscription and expand usage, upsell to the latest/advanced version, and cross-sell new capabilities. The CSG Account Plan and a Demand Profile are of the utmost importance to set the conditions for your success. Be proactive and plan early the conversion of the subscription offering early, at least six months out from the renewal date.

Step 1: Create a CSG Account Plan or a TIBCO/ibi Account Plan .The CSG Account Plan generates demand with specific objectives, goals, actions, and measurements, inclusive of white space analysis. The demand profile provides the customers’ software consumption model, organic growth, and future state needs. Both documents require research on your customer's investments with TIBCO by reviewing historical spending, entitlements, contracts, and renewals and aggregating them into the inventory template.  

Customer Inventory:

Step 2: Determine the financial goals and benefits of the transaction to establish the financial parameters based on historical spending, new demand, etc.

Step 3: Align with customers and consider a halt to maintenance payments based on the projected demand. The Account Team will take different approaches based on individual circumstances and judgment. Following the initial alignment deliverable, the Account Team should position the differences in product/SKU when moving from a perpetual to a subscription model, and the associated value or advantages.

Supporting assets: Perspective, Executive First, Collaborative Optimization workshop, Product/SKU mapping.

Step 4:Position and gain acceptance of value as a critical part of the engagement process and model. Utilize the CVR or OICVR templates for this, identify use cases, and map the quantified and qualified value to corporate objectives to bring financial legitimacy to the transaction.

Step 5: Validate the value potential, submit a proposal, and make plans to ensure the customer achieves the value throughout the lifecycle.

Supporting assets: Value summary, Validated Perspective, VHC VRR.


Competitive Landscape

There are primarily two types of competitors, mainly falling into two categories:

Overarching Competitors: Large enterprise software companies with whom we compete in multiple core capabilities (AWS, IBM, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Salesforce & SAP).

Specialized Providers: Software companies specializing in a niche market, with whom we compete in a single core capability. 

View TIBCO's & Spotfire's competitive landscape and use the active battle cards to understand differentiators vs. the competition and strategies to win against the competition.

Platform Sales Play - Primary Selling Motion

The TIBCO Platform is a real-time composable data platform, ultimately creating greater business and technical value for our customers.

Click here to view the Platform Sales Play

Expand the Core & Upsell

Theme: Connected Enterprise: Connect apps, data, and devices seamlessly across the enterprise to scale the digital ecosystem, break down organizational silos, deliver engaging experiences to users, and expand value into new markets.

BW Modernization

Lead with Capabilities: Integration (BW, BWCE)

Introduce New Use Cases & Cross-Sell

Theme: Data Integration Tools and its processes underneath it (consolidated, single source of truth, quality data) allows huge gains for businesses, increasing revenue and market share alongside traditional goals like decreasing data errors and saving time by making data accessible.

Event Driven Architecture

Lead with Capabilities: Events, Messaging, API Mgmt.

Data Integration Tools

Lead with Capabilities: Integration, Messaging API Mgmt., MDM, DV

FSI Data Democratization

Lead with Capabilities - API Mgmt., DV, Integration, Data Science

Decision Intelligence

Lead with Capabilities: Data Visualization, Data Science

Theme (from Gartner):Decision Intelligence (DI) is a practical discipline used to improve decision-making by explicitly understanding and engineering the decision-making process and how outcomes are evaluated, managed, and improved using feedback. Depending on the context, a wide range of techniques can be used in DI, ranging from conventional analytics to AI and complex adaptive system applications.

TIBCO Platform Value Discovery & Calculator

TIBCO Platform Demo Vignettes


TIBCO Platform Control Plane

TIBCO Platform introduces a new, beautifully designed Control Plane, a unified user experience designed for a variety of different roles in the enterprise, that brings together all of our customers TIBCO solutions wherever they exist, including on-premises.

Value Drivers

  • Observability across all data planes, including on-prem
  • Management of deployments and scaling
  • Monitoring of runtime performance metrics
  • FinOps for cost and value visualization


TIBCO Platform Control Tower

TIBCO Platform also introduces the new TIBCO Platform Control Tower, which is designed to surface TIBCO BusinessWorks 5, TIBCO BusinessEvents 6, and TIBCO EMS instances that are running on-premises to the TIBCO Platform Control Plane - with no changes required to these components. 

Value Drivers

  • Discover, monitor & manage existing TIBCO investments  
  • Drop-in Binary
  • Secure Ground to Cloud tunnel
  • No changes required to BW5, EMS* or BE6* apps that are running on-premises


TIBCO Developer Hub

It embeds the TIBCO Developer Hub - a single, unified developer hub powered by Spotify Backstage that dramatically increases developer productivity.  Demo

Value Drivers

  • Time to market reduced
  • Improved Quality of what is discovered, designed, built & released
  • Industrialization (Standardization & replication) of build / design (templates, accelerators, testing…)
  • Easier onboarding of new IT employees


TIBCO Platform FinOps (Future State)

FinOps capabilities in TIBCO Platform help in aligning the goals of engineering, DevOps, and financial teams to ensure financial discipline is maintained in software deployment and optimal value is achieved for the business. Demo

Value Drivers

  • Quickly discover APIs, templates, and docs for TIBCO and non-TIBCO assets  
  • Easily visualize relationships between enterprise assets
  • Rapidly develop new apps from pre-built BWCE & Flogo templates
  • Build custom app templates that adhere to enterprise patterns
  • Locally develop, debug, test and execute Flogo apps via VSCode extension


This is for the Account Executives' call-to-action!!

In JEFE - Stage - 4 of the Opportunity 

  • Select sales plays (use cases) used to progress the growth opportunity
  • Provide qualitative feedback on use cases/selling patterns 

Send me an email with your ideas to: susan.collins@cloud.com


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