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TIBCO Integration Sales Kit

Callie Wallace

About This File


TIBCO Integration Sales Kit

With the TIBCO Platform–Integration capability, anyone can connect your diverse business solutions, data sources, and devices into a single, seamless system. TIBCO accelerates connectivity initiatives with low and no-code experiences engineered to reduce development time and costs. Implement the best-fit style of integration to address any app, data, IoT, B2B and mobile/web integration use case. Quickly connect to virtually any endpoint across your IT ecosystem with 200+ pre-built connectors for a wide variety of business suites, databases and legacy technologies.

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Submit feedback on an existing asset, request new marketing or enablement assets, provide competitive intel or anything else with the TIBCO Integration Feedback Form. We appreciate your help to improve our product positioning & messaging!

Selecting the Right Integration Capability

Many TIBCO customers rely on BW5 to run their business. However, BW5 does not support all of the modern integration approaches that may be needed to meet customer requirements. Apply the framework in this presentation to identify scenarios where an existing customer may need to supplement with richer functionality from BW6/CE or Flogo to meet specific use case requirements or transformation goals.
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Key Contacts

  • cwallace@tibco.com

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